
Thursday, 22 June 2017

This week in maths we did dividing fraction by fractions and it was really easy.LPG 16 and 17

This week in reading we did a dust jacket and it was so fun because you got to draw bacically the whole thing.LPG3

Thursday, 15 June 2017

This week in maths we did multiply fractions by fractions it was kind of hard but easy at the same time.

This week in writing we did alot of poems and my favourite was the limericks and the class shared some of them.

This week in reading we had to make a cover of a book called not so normal and it took so long just to do what I did.

Thursday, 8 June 2017

this week in maths we had to write word problems and Mr B wrote the questions and awnsers and we had to make our own problems.
This week in maths we did a basic facts test I got 100 and I started with the easy ones and then the hard ones.

This week we did Lake ora art and it was so fun.decided to use someone elses idea for taniwha but I they made it  look different.

Thursday, 1 June 2017

This week in writing we did persuasive writing and we did it about why Hurupaki should not wear unifom.and this is proof.

This week we had to do know your character in reading time.

This week we did a basic facts test and i got all of the questions right and it was so fun.